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Microsoft office standard 2010 setup has stopped working windows 10 free download –

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I go through the setup process and get to a point where is asks to validate the product key. I enter in my product key, which it validates, I accept the license terms, choose the customized installation and x-out OneNote. Then it goes back to the Installation Progress screen again, where it gets hung up again, and gives me the same error message that I started with above: «Microsoft Office Professional Setup has stopped working.

Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Note: You may take a backup of the registry before troubleshooting. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.

Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. I recently bought a laptop with Windows 8. I then purchased microsoft office-home and student It gives an error message «setup has stopped working. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

In Windows 10, Windows 8. To ensure the Office app is in Safe Mode, check the title bar. You should see something like: Microsoft Excel Safe Mode. Try repairing Office or uninstalling and reinstalling it instead. If that still doesn’t work, you should have the latest device drivers installed on your PC. Note: Some older add-ins are known to cause problems. We recommend you visit the company website for the add-in to check for an updated version you can install.

If the Office app doesn’t start , repeat the steps to uncheck the other add-ins one by one. If there was another Add-ins option in the Manage list, such as COM Add-ins , repeat this process for those add-ins as well. Try some of the other troubleshooting options provided in this article. Older versions of these add-ins are known to cause problems with Office or Office applications:. Dragon Naturally Speaking. This step is useful if one of the Office app is damaged or corrupted.

Try a quick repair first, and if that doesn’t work, try the online repair. For more information, see Repair an Office application. Older Windows device drivers may be incompatible with your Office application. You should run a Windows or Microsoft update on your PC to ensure you have the latest drivers. Select the Start button. Type Windows Update in the Search programs and files box. If modifying the registry didn’t work, you can try this workaround if you purchased Office Home and Student or Home and Business online.

First, let’s remove the Microsoft Office Click-to-Run entry in the list of installed programs on your computer. Access your account online. Need more help? Get help from the Microsoft Community online community or visit Contact Microsoft to learn more about your support options. Was this information helpful? However, if the bit version is a better choice, follow the bit installation procedure in this article.

Note: For more information about the bit version, see Choose the bit or bit version of Office. To do a custom install or uninstall for specific apps, see the section below Install or remove individual Office programs or components. Insert the Office disc into the drive. If you need help, see Find your product key for Office In the Activation wizard, click I want to activate the software over the Internet , and then follow the prompts.

For more information, see Activate Office programs. You must be running bit Windows. To check, see Which Windows operating system am I running? Uninstall any bit versions of Office. See Uninstall or remove Office Make sure any 3rd-party Office add-ins that you rely on are stated as being Office and bit compatible. Possible backward incompatibility is why, if in doubt, stay with the bit version. Open the x64 folder in the installation root, and then double-click setup.

After setup completes, continue by following the default installation instructions, by entering the product key step 2.



– Install Office

Version Size MB. Works under: Windows Vista. Program available in English. Program by Microsoft. FilePlanet Review. Screenshots. Comments. This is the final version of the Microsoft Office productivity suite, one of the most historically popular and useful tools in the entire personal computing industry. Sep 14,  · Microsoft Office support ends October 13, This means no more technical support, no more patches, and no more security updates. Here are your options, some of which are ted Reading Time: 4 mins. May 13,  · make sure you Uninstall any previous versions before installing office , apparently it will not install as upgrade from previous version still on PC. you can also go download Revo Uninstaller its a great 3rd party tool and once you install it everything that is installed will show up and once you pick what you want to Uninstall it will go through the process of Uninstalling the program but.


Microsoft office standard 2010 setup has stopped working windows 10 free download. «Cannot be opened» error when you start an Office Starter 2010 program


Windows 7 bit, Office Pro. The увидеть больше installation always worked on similar wogking. All of a sudden setup. Not sure if related as other installers for Adobe software and other software worked fine. I’ve had similar issues with Quickbooks and turned out it was the. Ссылка на страницу framework. I would update that and see if that’s the problem for you too. Running updates as we microsoft office standard 2010 setup has stopped working windows 10 free download but they take awhile so I’m splitting for the day so will know tomorrow.

Any other suggestions strongly welcome. Ran all theupdates and still the same, but this time it gives me some errors and stuff Thanks MS for downloac insight on this one LOL. I’m posting it below. I’ll check with expert-exchange folks but if you’ve encountered something similar before, please be my guest and post your thoughts here. Description: Microsoft Office Professional Plus setup did not complete successfully.

We продолжение здесь sorry for the inconvenience. Work Thanks for the tip on Revo hss unfortunately it didn’t find any Office installations. This computer is a fresh install of Windows 7 so I wouldn’t expect to find any Office files anyway, except maybe leftovers from previously crashed installation. It was determined that if the computer is joined to domain, therefore the above GPO applies, microsoft office standard 2010 setup has stopped working windows 10 free download when and only when we have problem installing Office.

We had no issues with other software though, like Adobe and Java. We could of course run installation without joining domain, but it’s not the way fee was done here. I had the same problem with Windows 8. Once offife installation, I re-enabled CryptoBlocker. Now I doanload to install Office before joining the domain; but if I forget it’s no big deal to un-link the GPO for 5 minutes.

I’m not that worried microsoft office standard 2010 setup has stopped working windows 10 free download getting infected in больше информации 5 minute time frame. I was scratching my head for about an hour trying to figure out why office wouldn’t install.

We just setup those Cryptolocker GPOs last week so it didn’t even cross my mind as the culprit. Vree Computer Service is an IT service provider. I had the same problem stamdard a win8 Pro laptop. I took stzndard laptop off the domain and the installer worked. Awesome, after a very frustrating morning, turning the GPO off worked. I had to reboot and then run gpupdate. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of Downloxd pros who visit По этому адресу. Popular Topics in Microsoft Office.

Which of the following retains the information it’s storing when the system power is turned off? Submit ». Ghost Chili. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Samedh Oct 17, at UTC. Remember you have a huge update cycle здесь the Office install too.

Work Oct 17, at UTC. Spiceworks to the rescue! This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. Read these next