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Critical path analysis microsoft project 2010 free download.Microsoft Project 2010 Critical Path

The Critical Path Method CPM provides a way for project managers to determine which tasks are critical zero slack time and which tasks can be delayed and for how long. Normally, you would need specialized software such as MS Project, but not any more.
If you can copy and paste, enter data into cells, and follow a few simple guidelines, you can do a critical path analysis with almost no learning curve. The CPM spreadsheet produces a Gantt Chart showing the critical path tasks as well as the potential delay times for the flexible tasks. You may need to be familiar with some of the basic terms used in the CPM method see below , but the template is very easy to use and does not require you to enter formulas.
Unlike my other gantt chart template , the gantt chart in the CPM spreadsheet is an actual bar chart object, and you can resize it and change font sizes to get it to display the way you want. The gantt chart in the Critical Path Method spreadsheet is very similar to what you’d see using Microsoft Project, except that it doesn’t add the lines with arrows pointing from the end of one task to the start of a successor. But, that is an extremely minor limitation compared to the benefit you’ll get from the lower cost and ease of use.
Unlike a normal project schedule or gantt chart, this spreadsheet lets you use the statistical aspect of the PERT algorithm by defining the duration of a task using O-M-P times Optimistic, Most Likely, and Pessimistic. You can choose to calculate the expected time Duration using either the Triangular or Beta distribution. The Gantt Chart shows the tasks on the Critical Path as red bars, the flexible tasks as blue bars, and the slack time as gray bar extensions.
Milestones tasks with zero duration are shown as black diamonds, but you don’t have to mess with the axis scaling like the free version. This is a simple yet huge breakthrough that makes the spreadsheet a lot easier to use. The critical path is the string of dependent tasks that limit a project from being completed faster.
In other words, unless you can reduce the duration of one or more tasks on the critical path, you can’t reduce the time your project will take. There can be multiple parallel critical paths, and the critical path may change if you are able to reduce the duration of one of the critical tasks. This spreadsheet finds the critical path using the PERT algorithm. The PERT algorithm calculates the slack time or float time for each task. Slack or float time is the amount of time the task can be delayed without causing the overall project to take longer.
In addition to identifying critical tasks, calculating slack time can help identify tasks that can be delayed, allowing a project manager to make decisions about where to allocate resources. A critical task is a task that has zero slack time. That definition is based on the fact that if you delay or increase the duration of a critical task, it will cause the project to take longer.
A critical task is not necessarily a task that has another task immediately following it, because if the second task has slack time, then the first one might also. For example, if the second task could be delayed 5 hours, then the first one could be delayed 2 hours and the second task could still be delayed 3 hours.
Note: A constraint such as not being able to start a task until a certain time of day could cause what would have been a critical task to have some slack time because of having to wait for a certain time of day to start the next task.
This spreadsheet does not allow you to enter those types of constraints, so for the purposes of the spreadsheet, a critical task is simply defined as a task with zero slack time. What I am calling the PERT algorithm is the logical and mathematical means for calculating the minimum time to complete a project, based on the Program Evaluation and Review Technique developed in the s by the US Navy. For more detail, see the wikipedia article. The terms I am using in the spreadsheet, such as critical path , predecessor , successor , float and slack come from PERT.
This lets you account for some uncertainty in your estimates. You can just enter the Most Likely times if you don’t want to account for uncertainty. O-M-P helps calculate the expected duration for each task, and those expected durations are used to calculate the expected Minimum Time to Complete but not the overall uncertainy.
A predecessor is a task that must be completed before its successor task can start, without any other tasks in between.
Successor tasks come immediately «after,» and predecessor tasks come immediately «before. For example, if you need to build a prototype before you test it, then «Build Prototype» is the predecessor of «Test Prototype. Task dependencies can actually be much more complex than that, such as Task B needing to start 4 days before Task A ends. Multiple Predecessors : Assigning multiple predecessors to a task means that the task will start immediately after all of its predecessors is complete.
Redundancy won’t break the algorithm, but avoid it. Although the CPM spreadsheet contains a Gantt chart, if you need to create a detailed project schedule, I would recommend using my Gantt Chart template as well.
When using the CPM spreadsheet to perform a critical path analysis, it is very important that you follow the procedures and guidelines below:. While you are in the process of adding tasks in the free version : If you are wondering why tasks are marked as critical, check to see if there are any tasks highlighted yellow. All tasks need to have successors before the algorithm will correctly predict the critical path.
Even though the gantt chart does not show lines connecting dependent tasks, you can refer back to your table of tasks and predecessors. For critical tasks: Look at the start of the task and see if it lines up with the end of other tasks. The end of the slack period will usually line up with the beginning of a critical task. If it doesn’t, the end of the Flexible task may line up with the beginning of another Flexible task like Tasks F and D in the screenshots above. In that case, you will need to right-click on the y-axis and go to Format Axis.
Then set the «Interval Between Labels» to «Automatic. Except for the calculation of the Finish Date, there are no calculations in the worksheet that are based on dates.
So, if you want the times to represent hours rather than days, you can just change all labels to say «Hours» instead of «Days» and delete the Finish Date cell. When you enter the O, M, and P values, just consider them to be hours. The template is set up initially to fit the entire analysis on a single page. If you want to do something different, then all of the Excel print settings are open to you.
If you want to see everything that is going on, you can unhide all of the columns. There is no VBA and there are no other hidden worksheets. The highlighting in the Task Name column is done using conditional formatting. Excel Buy Now via ClickBank. Try it out! If you don’t think it was worth the cost, I will refund your purchase. Bundle and save. Gantt Chart. Triangular Distribution at wikipedia. Beta Distribution at wikipedia. Disclaimer : This spreadsheet and the information on this page is for illustrative and educational purposes only.
We do not guarantee the results. Follow Us On Sitemap Privacy Policy Terms of Use.
Critical path analysis microsoft project 2010 free download.Use ProjectPro Complete Critical Paths for Microsoft Project 2010
Each of the activities may require different amount of time to complete and some of the activities may be interdependent on one another. For example, a particular activity may require another activity to complete before it can start.
When the number of interdependent activities increases, the entire project becomes complex and difficult to understand. This complex list of activities is also known as the «Work Breakdown Structure» in project planning.
It uses a mathematically based algorithm to calculate a network model known as the «critical path» to help a project manager determine the following: How much time a project will require taking into account all the dependencies of the activities.
Which activities are «critical» or «on the critical path» that need to be completed on time to avoid delaying the whole project. The slack time of the activities. An activity with slack time can be delayed without delaying the entire project. Activities not «critical» usually have slack time. One of the motivations of postponing an activity is the savings of labor and warehouse costs until it is necessary. The Critical Path Method was developed by Du Pont in the s and is now considered one of the most widely used technique in project planning and scheduling.
All the activities are first entered into the spreadsheet. This is followed by providing the amount of time required for each activity and specifying the dependencies. After which, a Gantt Chart will be automatically generated and the critical path of the project will be determined. The critical path of the project is the sequence of project activities which add up to the longest duration.
This is also known as the amount of time that the project will require. A delay in any of the activities on the critical path will result in a delay in the entire project.
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